Penguins & Princesses & Project Updates

This blog post is going to mostly be recommendations, with a couple of project updates!


So if you’re into small press RPG’s (I know you are because you’re reading this) you need to check out Space Penguin Ink- Officially launching today, SPI is the brainchild of Jarret Crader, who is leading a bunch of excellent folks in the indie TTRPG scene. 

Space Penguin Ink

The store is launching with 2 mothership adventures, a Troika adventure, A Mork Borg adventure and a DCC adventure- basically a cross section of the most fun indie ttrpg games around. For those of you who don't know, Jarret used to be the project manager at Exalted Funeral, and he has more or less been responsible for some aspect of almost every cool book in RPG land for the last 10 years or so.

Another quick recommendation- If you enjoy the Palace of the Silver Princess, you may be interested to check out this reorganization of it for Cairn done by David Blandy & Richard Markert. It’s a solid way to enjoy a classic adventure that does a few things I especially like-

-Leans into the Zelda-like setting (in a few ways I hadn’t even considered)

-prunes the blocks of texts into highly parseable language for the table

-Combines some of the best aspects of both the orange and green covers to create a better overall story 

-understands the importance of Travis

Consider picking it up and tossing them a few bucks.

Palace of the Silver Princess Cairn Edition

Some Project Updates:

I’m still accepting commission requests for my BIG CHARACTER COMMISSION SALE, and I think I will be until the end of the month or so. My car shit the bed the other day and I’m still waiting to hear back as to the extent of the repair costs (which may be great enough that it might be time to put the old girl to bed and get something new). Either way I’ll be needing some extra cash. The deal is still:

$75 USD ($70 for current Patreon subs) for a character commission (doesn’t have to be an rpg character per say, I’m currently working on a piece memorializing someones old Dark Age of Camelot character- so sick)

If you’re interested you can shoot me an email at

The first issue of Better Legends Friends & Foes is trucking along, we have reached the point where I have to write things and those familiar with my process will know that is the SLOW part of any project for me. But I predict it will be done soon and available for free to patrons and for a small cost to everyone else. This will be digital only for now, as I think I’ll wait until I’ve done a few issues before I combine them into something physical.

The first chapter of my 18+ erotic adventure comic, Island Vacation is nearly done as well! The last page of the first chapter is being posted for my Patrons today and the full version should be ready for general consumption in not that long (hopefully even physical copies of that one!) if you’re interested in any of my NSFW stuff, you can find it over on my Patreon at the $10 tier.


I am struggling. I think the six month mark may be the last of this project, but that is not set in stone. I have gotten farther than I have with any daily practice project that I’ve done before, which I am extremely proud of. We’ll see what the next few weeks hold and if I manage to dig myself out of a 10 or 11 day idea drought. It would really be something to end it on this:

That's all for now! Thanks for reading.

-Skullboy (Sam)

Dungeon23: Week 20, The Manticore

Oh boy, this was a weird one-

I went further with an additional piece too. What a horrible thing!

Still figuring out the best way to post these, I don’t know if I want every blog post to be a Substack? Idk it feels like too many emails would get on folks nerves? For now this blog will still be the main thing, with occasional posts also being Substacks/emails.

Dungeon23: Week 10, Behind the Organ

I realized after I posted last week that there was no place to go from that wing, so I decided we needed to dig back into last weeks entry and add a secret door behind the organ! You open it by either using and open door spell, or playing the song “Can’t You Hear Me Knockin’” on the organ itself (this functions as a knock spell, and sheet music is how bards learn new spells) I don’t even have bards in games that I run and now I have to because I love the idea of them finding sheet music for spells, damn.

The theme of this area is a bit obvious but I had fun with it. I am particularly fond of the lung rooms coughing and shaking if you have a lit torch with you.

Until next week!

Dungeon23: Week 9, The Church of Tsa’Rook

Level 3! March is upon us and that means it’s time for a 3rd level of Dagamoor. I just cant resist BIG OCTOPUS and you shouldn’t either. Tsa’Rook is something I’ve had written in a notebook since before I was born and I’m glad to commit its gigantic hollow bones to something more tangible.

I sometimes think I’m still doing this specifically just for the satisfaction of flipping through an entirely filled notebook. Which is actually the greatest thing a person could ever do.