Dungeon23: Week 3, Crypt Halls

Another week completed!

This week features a very annoying hallway of grasping zombies that can’t bite you because they have no heads, but can cling to you and slow you down, making travel through the crypt halls pretty miserable and a genuine resource drain. There’s also the briefest hint of GOBLINS.

Did you know that GOBLIN WEEK starts today? Time to start doing goblin things and drawing goblin pictures and putting goblins in the dungeon. I think the goblins here are going to be hive-minded and sprout from a big weird kombucha mother goblin. Terrible for adventures and really beneficial to gut health.

Looking forward to the end of this month. I think I’m gonna do a big post where I smash the maps all together and square away some things like a full wandering monster table, which is something I’ve been pretty lax about. I mostly just care about the outline here, because the key to maintaining a project this long is not overinvesting in it. My dungeon is far from detailed right now, but I could run it with about 20 minutes of prep ahead of time and that’s really all I’m ever willing to do.

Time-Dilating Staircase was a last minute idea, and I really love it. Thanks Super Mario 64, couldn’t have done it without you.