Freelancers: A Crossroads Game

I’ve spent the last year working on illustrations for a board game! It’s called Freelancers, and is a sequel to the game Forgotten Waters. I thought it might be cool to post some of the in progress shots from the project. There are a TON of my pieces in it, and I’ll post some more here, and on my Instagram over the next few weeks.

thumbnails for possible covers

final cover illustration

A lot of the work I did was character design. Here’s some process shots of a few of them. Starting with Trent, a Treant hireling you can meet in your travels.

This guy definitely has a name but all my files just say “Troll” so you’ll have to buy the game to learn what he’s actually called. Despite not being on a first name basis with him though he was one of my favorites to draw.

This is Serpa, a Medusa Lawyer-

This was one of the last ones I worked on, and one of my favorites. I feel like my drawing skills leveled up a few times during this project.


There is exactly one dragon in this game. I tried my best to make it as epic as possible.

Fighting the last dragon