So this post is going to function as part signal flare and part canary. If you’re getting this message it means that you gave me your email address so that I can bother you with updates about my artwork, game design and merchandise.
If you don’t want to get these emails I imagine there is a button that you can click to fix that. I am sorry I don’t know exactly where it is but you’re really smart so I bet you can figure it out.
So how about some cool updates about what I’m working on?
My new risograph print THE DRAGONSLAYER is available on my webstore, I made it to help counter act the high prices of diabetic supplies that my wife experiences, and it features her slaying the large dragon of for-profit medical supply companies.
I’m currently in the layout phase for my next game supplement-
Better Legends FRIENDS & FOES issue: 1
things are still in process but you get the general idea
Each of the characters in these issues will come with a ready to print front/back miniature of themselves, so you can really immerse yourself in scissors and glue style session prep.
I’m planning on doing a number of these as digital releases in the coming months- This project is a combination of some old things and some new things, I started drawing these characters back in 2017 as a way of giving myself prompts for drawing on stream. Over time they all started to occupy space in a shared world that is slowly turning into it’s own game! Here’s the tiniest little preview of that, which I post now against my better judgement.
The game as it stands is an old school style (ish) dungeon crawler that is meant to be very visually oriented. I’m not really trying to reinvent the wheel, but rather reinvent the process in which the instruction manual for the wheel is read.
I wanted to make a game that satisfied my own needs when trying to parse game text (I am bad at that without lots of pictures). It will be a fairly rules lite game, but with lots of lore on the back end. I want to spent the majority of my time crafting a world that folks can have a good time in, and in my mind that means lots of unique monsters, spells and treasure that lie scattered across a story rich world. I love rules lite games, but I find a lot of time they tend to communicate a vibe and then leave the nuts and bolts of the world building to the reader- which is great! I just want to try a different approach, with lots and lots and lots of lore rich, ready to play content.
I’m also working on the next installment in the Adventure Journal Series. For those of you familiar with An Ecological Study of Fortles you might be pleased to find that Salvador Moss & Skullboy (what an annoying little man I am, breaking myself into multiple people to work on a book alone) are back to shine a light on the ever growing hobby of DUNGEON CRAWLING. They’re going to be following around a group of these strange hobbyists and learning about the ins and outs of THE CRAWL
Expect somethings similarly gaming-adjacent as Fortles was.
Over on Patreon I’ve been releasing weekly pages of my erotic-fantasy-romanace comic
Sorry kids, this one is only for the grownups.
and as with all of my Patreon projects it will be available for sale on my page after it’s finished (as a free download for the patrons that helped make it possible and as a paid product for everyone else) but right now it’s only for patrons- who get the exclusive page drops and the occasional extra content in between. If you’re interested in that, consider subscribing! It puts me closer every day to only working on my own projects, and having to spend less time on the high seas of freelancing!
Thanks for reading, I’ll have a new dungeon23 spread tomorrow probably, if I can manage to draw the map page that I’ve been procrastinating with!