Dungeon23: Week 1, The Flooded Halls.

The first FULL week of D23 for me.It was nice to wake up, drink some coffee and have something to chew on in the way that I imagine some people use a crossword puzzle. I took the tact of just writing rooms throughout the week and waiting until today to do my map. I just couldn’t commit to the random room placement, but perhaps I will relinquish control as the project goes on.

Go Bills!

I’m very much looking forward to finding out where the underwater secret passage in that treasure chest goes.

I’m playing it kind of ambiguous with the treasure, but I imagine some of the paintings might still be worth a bit of money to a collector, and that crystal is probably the kind of thing an enterprising group of psychopaths would try to remove and carry off to the surface. I know if I were playing my dwarf Bludoon here he would be gathering samples of the vines for cooking and would probably want to see what Fire Beetle tasted like.

I’m feeling confident about the pace of this being fairly easy to maintain at the moment, but it is after all the first week of January and they say that everyone gives up on their resolutions by the end of this month. Here’s to trying to get a bit farther than that!