Dungeon23: Week 2, The Cemetery Gardens and Appendix N of Dungeon Media

The second full week! We find ourselves traveling west, through the room of masks and ending up in a big weird graveyard, where the tombstones grow like crooked teeth. I’ve been thinking about that room for a while now, and I’m glad to have it somewhere on paper. Having a graveyard in a setting is a very Zelda-like thing to do and I am a sucker for a Zelda. I think I might do a few sketches to augment some of the things I made for this one, Candlejacks are something I had lying around for ages and I really enjoy them as a low level, easy puzzle enemy.

About part way through the week here I was made aware of the book Piranesi which takes place almost entirely in a dungeon. I read the whole thing on Saturday in rapt attention, and I highly recommend it to anyone else doing this project.

It’s a bit unusual to have a whole work set in a dungeon, or otherwise similarly enclosed underworld location, there are some stand out examples in my mind, which I’m compiling into an appendix N for this particular project. I am loosely categorizing a “dungeon” work as something that takes place most of the time in an enclosed, maze like otherworldly location. I’ve found that there are lots of movies that give me that fantasy RPG feeling, but fewer that take place in that ur-setting of the d u n g e o n. Shout out your favorites that I missed (this list is obviously very incomplete) in the comments or make your own list!

Big Trouble in Little China

Dungeon Meshi



Made in Abyss

Lair of the White Worm

Conan the Destroyer


Haunting of Hill House

Dave Made a Maze

Mortal Kombat (a shocking amount of this movie takes place in a dungeon)


The House of Asterion

The Descent